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Emergency Numbers in Vredenburg

1st Choice Plumbers -
Tel: 0813207888
Alex Buzy Bee Alarms -
Tel: 022 7134756
Ambulaans - Diens
Tel: 022-713-4590
Car Breakdown - Service
Tel: 082-690-5050
Emergency Services -
Tel: 022-701-7061
Fire and Traffic -
Tel: (022) 703 6100
NSRI - National Sea Rescue Institute. Saving lives on South African waters.
Tel: 082-990-5966
SAPS - Police Station
Tel: 022-703-6440
South African Paramedic Services -
Tel: 0861 22 55 99
Tourism Vredenburg - The tourism office in Vredenburg
Tel: 022-715-1142
Vredenburg Post Office - Vredenburg Post Office is at 31 Kerk Str
Tel: 022 7151550
Weskus Privaat Hospitaal -
Tel: 022-719-1030

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