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The History of Siyabonga?

History as told by the founder and manager: Sr. Chrisna du Plessis

“ I lived in St. Helena Bay (a small Fishing Village on the West Coast near Saldanha) for the past 23 years. I worked at the municipal clinic as a community nursing sister. The children, whom I immunized as babies in the clinic at Laingville, visit me now with their own children for immunization. This gives an idea how long I have been involved in the local community.

When I opened my own private primary health clinic in 1998 in St. Helena Bay, it was obvious to see the need for a caring facility in the community. I started this clinic to serve the community with a well equipped clinic to diagnose and treat the sick, but also to run an after hour emergency service. There was no NGO that had made an attempt to start such a big project. Of course everyone saw the need for a home to care for the sick and destitute, but no one had made an attempt to do something about it.

Many times, I had to escort a sick patient home with my own transport, because of their weakness and ill health. I remember one day, I had to take a young mother (suffering from Aids) home. When we reached her home, it was just an old shack with a door. No windows, no electricity, no toilets. When I asked her who is at home to care for her, her answer was that it was only herself staying in the home with two children. She, whilst ill has to care for herself and her children. It was heartbreaking when I unlocked the door….the silence inside. No one to care and comfort her. I can't remember where her children were that day, but then she was totally alone. She was too weak to walk alone. I said "God, how can she cope". I visited her again after a few days to see how she coped. A smell met me at the door. The children were playing on the floor. There she was lying in the same clothes as the previous week, with dried faecies and urine on her body. Bedsores already appeared on her skinny body.

If any problem occurred in the community, the clinic sister was always the person to give a solution. When investigating the possibility of a caring home for the sick and destitute, I was shocked to find out that there was home to nurse and care for sick people near our community. There were only hospitals, but they admit a patient only for 3 days. The morning when the sick Rasta man was waiting for me laying at the door of my clinic, God spoke loud and clear in my heart to start a caring home for the poorest of the poor. I gave up my home and decided to stay on the premises. Because of this decision, we had some equipment, kitchenware and linen to start the project. I promised to take care of the poorest of the poor in the best possible way I can.
That day, 22 December 2002, was the day that the situation around 24hour caring changed forever in the West Coast.”

We hereby invite you to visit and evaluate Siyabonga Care Village and desperately ask you to be involved in this much needed service.

Kind Regards,
Sr. Chrisna du Plessis

022 713 5730 (tel)
083 587 5444 (cell)
022 713 1894 (fax)



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