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Oxygen Enriched Still Water

You can get a water refill at Oasis Water in Langebaan

Contact Wim at 084-209-1600

Water wisdom

The market today is flooded with various kinds of bottled water, still water, mineral water, spring water, flavored water, but what is this bottled water about? Where does it come from, what is in the water that we buy and drink? What sets one brand apart from the other? Is bottled water better than tap water? What should we be on the lookout for? What is the difference between clean water, purified water, distilled water, filtered water?

Ever wondered what people have in common with peas? Possibly not, but you’ll be interested to know that both are made up of about 75% water and are in constant danger of dehydration. Not only is our body 75% water, our brain is 80% water and our blood 90%. And, if you find it hard to think of yourself as three quarters water, consider this: adults lose nearly three and a half litres of water daily – just over half a litre in perspiration, a little over one litre exhaling, and almost two litres in urine.
Next to oxygen, water is the most essential element to sustain human life. Four days without food is tolerable. Four days without water is fatal.

That you need to drink between one and a half and two litres of water each day is common knowledge, but lest you forget WHY, here’s a quick reminder. Water is more than a carrier of other materials. It is a solvent, an infiltrator of cells, a digestion aid, a dilutor, a dilator, a nutrient transport system, a waste disposal system, a chemical conduit, an energy combustor, a lubricant, flushes out the liver and kidneys, keeps our skin hydrated, a coolant and a latent heat bank, it controls body temperature as well as the electrolyte balance in our blood.

Why do we get illnesses ? If our body water level drops, our performance drops and we feel listless and tired. Water helps to purify the blood. It reduces stress on the heart and stomach. It cleans the body’s own filtering system. It promotes the removal of body toxins. And we thought all it did was quench our thirst!

If you are concern about the water you drink and how pure water actually effects your health – improve your knowledge on WATER. The next few articles will provide you with some interesting aspects on WATER.

You can get a water refill at Oasis Water in Langebaan

Contact Wim at 084-209-1600

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